

Monday, July 13, 2009

Worst Day Ever

This is the summary of my day thus far (not even remotely in order, and no, things do not come in "threes"):

(1) Dog 2 needs emergency surgery tomorrow.
(2) Makeda has a new health issue which her GP can't figure out and we're off to see her pediatrician tomorrow. More details to follow. I'm hopeful it's not serious but it never feels good when one doctor throws up her hands and says (at least she's honest) that she has no clue and she'll get M into a specialist asap.
(3) My adoption agency just declared bankruptcy. I don't know what this means for my file although since I did not yet have my referral, I am not anticipating that it will be finalized. While the money is insignificant next to that loss, since Imagine was kind enough to require all funds up front, I am fairly certain that I will never recover a cent of the $20,000 I've spent to date. I also know that this financial fact will prevent many other prospective parents from being able to pursue their dream of a child. I certainly can't start over.
(4) While considering these things on the way back from M's doctor's appointment, I failed to pay sufficient attention to the post that jumped out at me and now have a pending car repair as well.

I'm (sort of) (trying) to keep a sense of humour - I think I've earned all the bad news possible for what - at least a year??? Here's looking at you 2010.

On a much more serious note, please join me in sending prayers to all those Imagine Adoption clients that were much further along in the process than I was, and hope that they receive all possible assistance to bring their children home. The Imagine website has give no information at all about whether adoptions in progress will be completed and if so, how, and in what timeframe. We will all be waiting day to day for more information. Please share whatever you hear!


Robynhood said...

Im so sorry to hear about Imagine.. My prayers and thoughts are definatly with you and all the other families (and children) who are affected by this. A sad day indeed. I am sorry that your day was so bad. I hope that Makeda's health issue turns out to be something simple and minor, and that your dog recovers quickly.

take care, I am sending you good thoughts and energy,


Gina said...

I just read about this with Imagine and it's so difficult to believe. We're sending you big hugs as you navigate through, with M's illness, your dog, the accident and Imagine. Lots to take in, my friend. If I read your post correctly, this also means the loss of your second daughter for you, and I am so sorry. Let us know if there is anything we can do.

Blessings to you and Makeda and the kids,

Dianne said...

I'm so sorry, Barbara. What a painful day for so many, many families.

The Hattons... said...

Hopefully Makeda will be of good health very soon.

And regarding Imagine - I'm so sorry on how this has affected you. As you hear more news, please let us know.

We wish you well and will pray for things to work out for you in the end.

Jenny said...

Bloody Hell, that was the first thing out of my mouth when I read your post.
I am sorry. I am so very angry at Imagine and only foul language has been running through my mind all day, but I am still hoping for a miracle for all involved. I hope your daughter is okay soon.♥


Unknown said...

Don't even know what to say, Barb, except that first and foremost, M will be okay, and whatever mystery thing she has will be rectified. As for the other...absolutely horrible for so many. Such heartbreak. Hang in there, and just try to get through one thing at a time.


InventingLiz said...

Oh my! That is a bad day! At least it can't get any worse, right? *knock wood*

I hope everything gets resolved in a positive way for you very soon, and for all the other families affected by the adoption agency bankruptcy.

Alicia said...

I hope that the pediatrician is able to help M. She'll be in my thoughts, as will your dog. What an absolutely HORRIBLE day!
As for IA, I have nothing nice to say so I'll keep it all to myself.

hazel said...

Jesus, I thought it was 'just' the IA news you were contending with today. I was feeling bad for passing along the bad news to you. I have a bottle of white chilling - I think we need a chat tomorrow night, if the madness of the day isn't too much.

Tami said...

I am soooo sorry to hear about your day. Have a drink with Haze tomorrow/today while you chat...maybe a 3-way? I'm good for laughs, listen to my life. LOL You don't hear that two often do you? LOL

As for M, I'm sure she will be's the initial that is scary. She is strong and you know she just likes to keep you on your toes.

Your dog, I'll keep him/her in my thoughts...have good treats for the homecoming.

Imagine...sighhhh. What I've learned along the way is when one door closes another opens, but since I want to smack people when they tell me that...I'll shut the H$#@ up! :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh, Barbara. I could barely sleep last night and I'm not even directly affected by the Imagine mess. I'm so, so sorry ... I'm just sick about this.

Hope the munchkin, the pup, and the car are all on the road to recovery!

marelise said...

So sorry!!! Hope you are doing OK.
I just wonder what is happeining to the poor kids that used to live in the imagine home waiting for their parents to come get them. Where are they now?!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Holy Mother of Crap. That is one f-ed up day. I am so so sorry - can't believe the agency owners just up and left everyone in the lurch like that.

And I really hope M's new medical issue is quickly resolved. How is her cough coming? Did they do the scope?


I will be thinking good thoughts for your dog, as well - please keep us posted.


Anonymous said...

Yikes. I am so sorry to hear about this turn events in Canada. I have followed your blog periodically and love your sense of humor (which would obviously be in short supply at the moment). So sorry!

Anonymous said...

This just does absolutely friggin suck. Right there with yah...mind you my day was only one with the big ugly agency that is no longer.
Hope Makeda's health issue gets resolved.
Kim @ at gmail dot com

Barbara said...

Kim, I was especially thinking about you. Keep me posted on your visa and your travel.

writex3 said...

Oh my god, this is so terrible. With a new one just home, I'm way out of the loop, but I noticed this on Haze's blog a few days ago. I thought you were with the same agency she is, though. I'm so sorry this has happened to you. How heartbreaking. At least I'm behind on my blogs so I know at this point that Makeda's ok and that your dog ate a grass seed, but still, what an awful mess.

QB said...

Wow. Barbara, that is all so horrible. I'm so sorry.

Suzanne said...

Just catching up after a couple of weeks away. Will read on (I started with this post) and hope the news gets better. Right now, my heart is in my stomach.
