

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Expensive Souvenirs

You will recall the four steps it takes to have a really bad day. And, all one can really do is chip away at them one at a time. Which isn't to say I'm not working on all of them, but they're only going to improve one at a time (except the car - that's going to wear a blue and white scratch for the forseeable future). But one thing has been accomplished - Dog 2 - aka Widget, came through his surgery with flying colours and his egg sized abscess has been replaced with several stitches and a drainage tube. Yes, I know, ewww gross. But he's my bud and I love him even when he looks like a freak. Here he is:

How could such a thing have happened? I'm glad you asked. Here is the culprit:

Having a little trouble? Let me enlighten you.

Vet: It took us awhile to find it, but we finally did. It's a {mumble mumble}
Me: What?!? He ate a piece of glass?
Vet: No - grass.
Me: Grass? I just spent $1,000 because he ate grass?!?
Vet: Well, grass seed.
Me: I just spent a $1,000 because he ate grass seed?
Vet (now laughing): yes.

Apparently, he ate a piece of grass seed which travelled from his mouth through his esophagus and squatted in a fold of skin (or some similar anatomic approximation) and then grew into an egg.

May I remind you all that $1,000 is a lot of shoes. I told them I wanted to save it, so there it is in the little glass tube.


Anonymous said...

well... it looks like a particularly vicious grass seed. All pointy and threatening-like. It's probably the well-known Dangerous Western Barbed Grass.

At least now you get the fun of a dog in a cone. That's high comedy.

hazel said...

You are sh*tting me! That was it??

Well phew that it wasn't anything more serious or life threatening. I guess we can laff at it now, but That dog owes you some shoes.

Anonymous said...

that little thing? seriously? doesn't look malevolent AT ALL.


and poor Widget with the e-collars. those suck.

Tami said...

Widget looks pretty pissed with that collar on.

Tell him you are going to pimp him out to the bitches in the neighborhood so you can get your money back and those shoes!

Next on the list...

los cazadores said...

he he, Barbara, that is one cute pooch! He looks loveable.


InventingLiz said...

Glad he's okay!

I once knew a dog who had to have emergency surgery to clear a blockage, afterwards they told the owner that the dog had eaten a towel. Not a hand towel, a regular size towel. The owner told me he really wasn't sure it had been a good investment to spend all that money for surgery on a dog that was stupid enough to eat a towel...

Diane M said...

I am relieved that one of the items from the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day has been resolved. Hopefully the others will work out as well! I'm certainly thinking of you.

How amazing that a grass seed could cause so much trouble. Good thing he didn't eat a watermelon seed!