

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

New Party Trick

Well, the croup saga continues, now placing my upcoming San Francisco weekend in jeopardy (more on that later). And, I'm not really complaining - shit happens and frankly, Makeda is the one who's actually suffering here, not me. But anyway, we went for another checkup to the pediatrician yesterday, and he sent us back to the hospital for an impromptu meeting with an ENT specialist. It was a long morning, and Makeda was not inclined to wake from her nap once she'd settled into the car seat. So I slung her over my shoulder like the 26 lb sack of potatoes that she is, and managed to check her in at Admissions, go back to the car for the diaper bag, and then into the ENT waiting room, all without waking her up. I sat next to the fishtank in the hopes that the burbling would keep her asleep. The burbling was very effective, especially to one sad little mom who has not slept more than 2 hours straight in over a week and is now also carrying a 26 lb sack of potatoes. We were wakened by the specialist standing over us asking us if we'd like a few more minutes to nap before we came into his office.

Anyway, the end result is that croup sucks and can last forever and there's nothing he can do and there's no point in drugging Makeda further (her mother - that's another matter). Also known as the diagnosis of "suck it up". But my point to all this was that I have turned into a farm animal. I have successfully napped in the upright position with a baby slung over my shoulder - without dropping her. This continues my successful record of not dropping her, even once, which I think is one of the slamdunk signs of being a good mother. Next month - sleeping while standing up. It can be done, I'm sure...


hazel said...

But can you PEE standing up?

I was going to email and ask for a Mak Daddy status. Poor kid. I'm remembering that picture you posted of her after giving blood samples. It makes me teary eyed, that picture. I hope I never need to pick your brain for advice on how to handle croup.

I also hope you can make it the SF trip. We'll get your drunk and let you sleep under the dinner table.

Tami said...

I'm very impressed. You get an A+ for the month. Let me know how it goes on the standing up thing next month. LOL

The Journey said...

So sorry to hear the "suck it up" diagnosis, I hope her croup is the kind that doesn't last much longer and that a full nights sleep is in both of your futures very very soon.

Anonymous said...

dude, that blows. i am over here crossing fingers and toes (which makes it hard to walk, but i'm up for it) that she makes a big fast recovery. i would be so so sad if you can't come!!

Tasha Kent said...

she must recover! you have a convention to attend.

anyhoo... I'm sending good vibes her way.

And yes, you CAN sleep standing up. I've done it for years on the Tokyo subways. The trick is to hang your weight from one of those noose-shaped thingys for you to hold while standing while the train is in motion. Go with the flow of the movement of the train.. don't try to fight it nor concentrate on balance. Then, if possible, use the passengers smooshed against you in the packed train as a support barrier.

marelise said...

I am sorry to hear that Makeda has not been well. Croup can be so scary; the noisy breathing and flaring nostrils are enough to make the most seasoned emerg doc a little anxious. I know that she will be well soon. This too will pass. as soon as those little bronchi grow a little and can handle a little swelling all you have to worry about is when she will be coming home with her date.... more sleepless nights! Love that you can come to my wedding. Hope you Makeda can make it too. She will have lots of company with the other kids there.

writex3 said...

Baby #2 will provide all sorts of new trick opportunities for you. Hopefully Makeda will be old enough to take pictures of you for us (-:

QB said...

I am so sorry to hear of the continuing croup saga. Poor little sicky. I'm happy, however, to see that she was well enough for you to make it and I AM SO JEALOUS!